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The most basic function of vehicle tracking systems is to ensure that vehicles can be accurately be monitored and tracked no matter where they may be located.  Other functions of vehicle tracking include tracking the performance and maintenance of a vehicle and recording a driver’s performance. More than this, vehicle tracking also facilitates fuel management and dispatching, enables the sending of alerts and notifications, prevents thefts and enables the production and analysis of reports. More functionalities are possible; however, these functionalities depend on the company offering fleet management solutions.

Benefits of Vehicle Tracking


Vehicle tracking systems ensure that companies have better financial management. This benefit is due to the fact that fleet managers can produce information relating to wasteful practices, including fuel management, eliminating unwanted behaviour from drivers such as speeding and better management of idling and maintenance time.

Better Safety for Drivers and Trucks

Thanks to vehicle tracking systems, it is possible to reduce traffic accidents and avoid any potential hazardous and time-wasting factors such as traffic jams and construction on the roads. Fleets also benefit from the theft prevention feature, which enhances both personal and vehicle safety.

Better Service for Customers

All the information gained from your vehicle tracking system will lead to more efficient and better management of all business processes. This will subsequently translate into better service for customers, as it is possible to have knowledge of the route, stops, time spent idling and the possible arrival time.

Employee Management

Vehicle tracking systems enable better employee management for fleet managers. Information such as fuel management and driver behaviour allows managers to determine which employees are performing well and which ones are not living up to standards. Further, it is also possible to use all the information as a way of improving training for drivers.

Improved Administration

Time saved on administration can be used for processes that need more attention, and therefore, it could lead to a more efficient business.

Time Management

Thanks to reports generated on fuel management, the monitoring of driver behaviour , route tracking and time management can be markedly improved.

Theft Prevention

One of the most common features of vehicle tracking systems is theft prevention. This feature sends alerts and notifications whenever suspicious behaviour occurs and enables users to initiate a quick reaction. This feature can also ensure that the excessive costs of acquiring new vehicle are prevented.

Improved Lifecycle Management

Good lifecycle management of a vehicle is crucial to efficient fleet management, and with tracking systems, it is possible to improve lifecycle management. Technical information can be provided on the vehicle (including the engine and tyres), information on driver behaviour can be recorded and information such as idling time, maintenance time and service requirements are all at hand to help fleet managers better implement Lifecyle management.

Vehicle Utilisation

Thanks to all the information gained from vehicle tracking systems, vehicles can be used more efficiently. These improvements include more efficient use of fuel, better driver behaviour, better routes taken and avoiding traffic and construction, while employee fraud avoidance can also lead to better vehicle utilisation.

There are many advantages to using vehicle tracking systems in fleet management. However, to make the most out of a vehicle tracking system, prior thorough research on different systems is needed in order to ensure a cost-effective choice.

Cartrack Nigeria